Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War: ACCREDITATION
Monday, 4 August 2014 - Liège - Belgium
General information and media accreditation
A. General Information
On Monday, 4 August, ceremonies attended by the King and Queen of Belgium and many international heads of state will be held in Liège to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.
Timetable of the day’s events:
- 9 a.m.: The King and Queen will welcome the heads of state and/or government at the Abbey of St Lawrence
- 11 a.m.: Ceremony of remembrance at the Allies’ Memorial, Cointe
- 12.15 p.m.: Lunch at the Provincial Palace
- 3 p.m.: Commemorative ceremony of the Legion of Honour of the City of Liège at the Town Hall, attended by the King and Queen and the Belgian Prime Minister
- Throughout the day, activities will be organised for the general public in St Lambert’s Square and Espace Tivoli
B. Accreditation
Accreditation is required for the media both for access to the press centre and for pool registrations for the various press zones which will be set up at the various locations where the day’s events are taking place.
A press card is required for accreditation of journalists, while technical staff need to indicate their role and press organisation. Please complete the online accreditation form at Applications for accreditation must be submitted from 1 to 9 July 2014.
To be accredited, you will need:
- your passport number or identity card number
- your press card number, if applicable
- a passport-style photo of yourself
After we have checked your details, you will receive an e-mail by 20 July at the latest to inform you whether your application has been successful. If it has, you will be asked to select one or more pools for access to the press zones. Please go to the press centre to pick up your accreditation.
C. Press centre
An international press centre will be set up in the University of Liège (ULg)’s Opéra complex at Place de la République française 41, 4000 Liège. The press centre will feature workstations with a Wi-Fi connection and live broadcasts of the events. Press pools will exclusively leave from the press centre.
Opening hours:
- Saturday, 2 August: 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.
- Sunday, 3 August: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
- Monday, 4 August: 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.
D. Practical information
You will be sent detailed practical information about the day’s events, access to the press centre, accreditation for the press zones, picking up the live signal from the channel RTBF, photos and so on after receiving your general accreditation confirmation for the events.
Contact person for further information:
Sarah Delafortrie
Directorate-General for External Communication
Federal Public Service Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Rue de la Loi 16 – B-1000 Brussels
Tel. (office): +32 (0)2 287 41 07
Tel. (mobile): +32 (0)486 35 78 88