17 Sep 2024 17:02

OLO auction of 23 September 2024

The Belgian Debt Agency informs you that the following 3 OLO lines will be auctioned on Monday 23 September 2024 :

Description : OLO 0.90%  22/06/2029
ISIN code : BE0000347568
OLO number : OLO 87
Outstanding : EUR 19 098 000 000.00

Description : OLO 3.00%  22/06/2033
ISIN code : BE0000357666
OLO number : OLO 97
Outstanding : EUR 18 231 000 000.00

Description : OLO 2.75%  22/04/2039
ISIN code : BE0000356650
OLO number : OLO 96
Outstanding : EUR 7 014 000 000.00

Payment date will be 25 September 2024. On Friday 20 September in the morning, the Belgian Debt Agency will announce the range of the amount to be auctioned.