18 Sep 2024 12:04

Press invitation - Which municipality is the most digitally secure?

It is with great pleasure that the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) invites you to a press event. On Wednesday 25 September, we will announce which municipality is the most digitally secure.  We are launching a new awareness campaign together with Febelfin and the Cyber Security Coalition with one goal: to keep cybercriminals out. Easy to say, but how do we do it?

Activate Two Factor Authentication

Using strong passwords is important, but passwords alone will not protect you enough. The chances of one of your passwords being visible on the internet right now are fairly high. If a hacker or scammer can get hold of your password, they can use your mailbox, place orders in your name, post something on your Facebook, game on your account in your place, etc...

The good news is that you can prevent it. How? By using two-step verification (2FA) everywhere you can. Does that sound terrifying or complicated? Come discover how we will encourage you, your readers and all Belgians to use two-step verification on a daily basis.

We provide a 2FA help desk for all attendees.

Practical information

Date:                    Wednesday 25 September 2024

Time:                   start 10.15am, end 11.30am

Location:            Febelfin, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19, 1210 Brussels - 2nd floor - The Village (sign in at reception)


  • Karel Baert, CEO Febelfin - Welcome and presentation of online fraud figures.
  • Miguel De Bruycker, director general of the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium - Why two-step verification is a must: presentation new figures.
  • Phédra Clouner, deputy director general of the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium - Which municipality is the most digitally secure? Presentation of the new campaign.
  • Jan De Blauwe, chairman of the Cyber Security Coalition Belgium - Campaigning is only possible with the support of many partners. Warm call to share the campaign through all media.
  • Inti De Ceukelaire, Head of Hackers at Intigriti - 2FA, every hacker's nightmare.
  • Questions, opportunity for interviews, 2FA helpdesk

Please confirm your attendance by e-mail before 23 September to Liesbeth Dewyn.

T: +32 2 507 69 72
