Invitation to the press - FULL SOCIAL JACKET - December 4- 10a.m.
And you? Which social jacket do you want?
Watch the trailer here:
Which challenges is our social protection faced with? Pensions, health care, housing, re-employment, disability, volunteerism… these are all themes citizens have a lot of questions about. Which choices are being made today, in times of crisis, in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe? And which consequences do these choices have in daily life?
On December 4, come and discover FULL SOCIAL JACKET, a project based on a web documentary on the social protection of the Belgians and the Europeans, on 4 December 2013. The web documentary opens the debate and gives the floor to all parties concerned: institutions, civil society, social partners, policy-makers and citizens. Ten real-life stories, expert opinions, about 2 hours of videos, computer graphics … and also the social media, an online game, a blog and a participative exposition will give food for thought.
10 a.m. : Presentation of the project in the presence of Mrs Laurette Onkelinx, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs.
11 a.m. : Visit to the participative exposition and interviews
Practical Information
Welcome on December 4 from 09 a.m.
At the Pacheco Center, Finance Tower
Entrance via Boulevard Pacheco No 13
1000 Brussels
Prior to the event, you will receive a list with the details of the persons who are happy to talk to the press about the project: representatives of institutions, of the social partners and of civil society, project collaborators, director/producer of the film, web designers, experts and persons featured in the videos.
More info
Barbara DE CLIPPEL, Spokesperson for the FPS Social Security, 0473131329,
Thank you for confirming your presence before 3 December at