Belgian FPS Social Security exchanges best practices with Chinese Department of Employment and Income Distribution
The International Cooperation department (BELINCOSOC) of the Belgian Federal Public Service for Social Security welcomes high level Chinese delegates for the second time. Both organisations will be sharing experiences and best practices with regards to income inequality, the labour market and social security in financially precarious times. Each theme will be looked at from a Belgian and European perspective, with close attention to the Chinese context.
The Chinese delegation brings together experts from the Department of Employment and Income Distribution belonging to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the central planning bureau of the People’s Republic of China. This department is in charge of the preparation and follow-up of the 5 year plans which play a crucial part in China’s planned economy. On the 31st of August and the 1st of September, Chinese experts of the NDRC and their General Administrator Pu Yufei will meet their Belgian and international colleagues during a workshop in Brussels.
This workshop is part of the EU-CHINA Social Protection Reform Project, a project funded by the European Commission and the People’s Republic of China for a total amount of € 6,7 million euro.
Maggie De Block, Belgian Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health: “Our Belgian social protection is very good. By sharing our experiences and best practices via this international platform, other countries can learn from them as well as we can benefit from their knowledge. “
For this project, the FPS Social Security works closely with the consortium president INPS (The Italian Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale), Expertise France and social security institutions from Belgium, France, Poland, Romania, Spain and the Czech Republic. The project aims to help China with the reform of its social security system to develop social equity for the whole of its population.
The project therefore helps the NDRC to increase its institutional capacity regarding policy development and potential reforms of social protection policies. The Chinese Ministry of Finance (MoF) will receive support to manage and supervise money flows pertaining to social security. Lastly, the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs (MoCA) will be helped to improve the legal framework concerning social welfare.
Koen Vleminckx | Director International Cooperation department of the FPS Social Security
0473 63 61 24 |
FPS Social Security Press Service
0473 13 13 29 | I @FODSZ
What is Belincosoc?
As a ‘shared service center’, BELINCOSOC supports all institutions involved in Belgian social security, who share their expertise on social protection internationally. European and other international funding acquired through BELINCOSOC allows these institutions to provide technical support to countries wishing to develop or improve their social protection system.