11 Oct 2022 09:43

Safeonweb Campaign 2022 - "OK is not always OK !"

The Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium and the Cybersecurity Coalition are joining forces again this year and, together with more than 500 partners, will fight against fraudsters with the slogan: "OK is not always OK!" During the campaign, we wish to draw attention to a particular theme through radio spots, videos on social media, banners and other campaign materials.  The aim this year is to make at least half of the Belgian population aware of how to keep their mobile devices safe.

More than 95% of Belgian households have a mobile device, the security of which is too often neglected. Our message will be disseminated via radio stations and television channels covering the territory, so that we can acquire the right habits with regard to our mobile devices.
Phédra Clouner
Phédra Clouner
Directrice adjointe du CCB

Learn how to properly secure your smartphone

Everyone, from the very young to the very old, has a smartphone in their pocket these days. We use it for more and more applications: to stay in touch with friends, to make purchases, to watch films, to play games or to do homework.

  • 93% of Flemish people (16+) have a smartphone in their pocket and 59% also have a tablet at their disposal (IMEC, Digimeter 2021, p.24 ev.).
  • 96% of Walloon households have at least one mobile device at their disposal. This is 4% more than in 2019. (Baromètre 2021 de maturité numérique des citoyens wallons, pp.4-6)

Mobile malware is on the rise

Criminals and scammers see a great opportunity in this. They develop viruses specifically designed to target mobile devices and go on the attack in full force.

The cyber attack that worried us the most in 2021, affecting ordinary internet users, was undoubtedly the spread of the FLUBOT virus. More than 11,000 smartphones were infected with this virus in no time because users carelessly downloaded an application. This allowed the virus to spread unnoticed to all the victims' contacts. An infected device sometimes sent out more than 10 000 messages. Between 6 and 13 September 2021, an average of 2 million messages per day were detected and blocked by operators. (Figures BIPT, 2021)

OK is not always OK!

Keeping your smartphone safe is not that difficult. The main way devices get infected is by downloading dodgy apps. Therefore, be careful if you receive an e-mail or a text message asking you to download an app. Chances are you will install a dangerous app or even a virus via an unsafe app shop.

You can also keep your smartphone safe by:

  • Always be very careful if you receive an email or text message asking you to download an app. Chances are you will install a dangerous app or even a virus via a less safe app shop.
  • Get a warning asking you to install a dodgy app? Stop installing the app immediately.
  • When you install an app, it often asks for access to other data: e.g. your photos, your contacts or your location. Only give permission if it is necessary and useful for using the app.
  • Do you get asked to perform updates? Do it as soon as possible.
I’m very proud of the results we have achieved in close cooperation with the CCB. There is still a lot of work to be done, but by joining forces, I’m convinced that we can and will continue to raise the general awareness with the public and the enterprises on the cyber security threats in the world where we live in today.
Jan De Blauwe
Jan De Blauwe
President of the Cyber Security Coalition
Whoever has access to your smartphone has access to your life. That's why it's so important to secure your device properly.
Miguel De Bruycker
Miguel De Bruycker
Director Center for Cybersecurity Belgium