21 Mar 2022 15:16

22 March: moment of remembrance to pay tribute to the victims of acts of terrorism

On the sixth anniversary of the attacks of 22 March 2016, a moment of remembrance will be held this Tuesday to pay tribute to all victims of acts of terrorism perpetrated in Belgium and to all Belgian victims of terrorist acts committed abroad.

In the short and restrained ceremony, which will take place at 10:30 AM at the monument dedicated to the victims of terrorist acts located in rue de la Loi in Brussels, the whole country will pay tribute to them. In addition to the victims and their relatives, the Prime Minister, the CEOs of Brussels Airport and STIB and representatives of the victims' associations Life4Brussels and V-Europe will also be present.

After the names of the 49 victims of terrorism in Belgium and of the Belgian victims of terrorism abroad are read out, wreaths will be laid at the foot of the monument before a minute of silence is observed. The Royal Marching Band of Guides will accompany the various tributes during this ceremony.

The victims and their loved ones will then have the opportunity to meet the response and rescue services.