24 Apr 2013 19:06

New OLO FRN - Pricing

New OLO FRN - Pricing

THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM, rated Aa3/AA/AA (Moody's/S&P/Fitch - neg/neg/stable), has priced a new €2.5bn OLO70 5-year FRN. Due 2 May 2018, the deal pays a quarterly coupon of 3 Month- Euribor plus 12.5bps and has an reoffer price/spread of 99.899 / 3month Euribor plus 14.5bps. Joint Lead Managers are BARCLAYS, CITI, CREDIT AGRICOLE CIB and DEUTSCHE BANK. Denoms €0.01. Brussels, Belgian law. Unsecured, unsubordinated debt. Reg S., CAC, FCA / ICMA Stabilisation.