Results OLO auction of 25/07/2005
Press release from the Belgian Debt Agency
Press release from the Belgian Debt Agency
The Belgian Debt Agency informs you that it has accepted bids for a total amount of EUR 3.019 Billion, distributed among the following lines : - OLO 3.00% 28/03/2010 (OLO 45) Amount taken (EUR billions): 1.413 Weighted average yield : 2.605% - OLO 3.75% 28/09/2015 (OLO 46) Amount taken (EUR billions): 1.606 Weighted average yield : 3.294 % The auction had a bid-to-cover ratio of 1.57. See our Reuters page BELG/OLO, Bloomberg page BELG - OLO Auctions - Results, or Telerate 36365 + 36366 for more information.